Lasagna Ham Roll-Ups

Lasagna Ham Roll-Ups

1. Cook noodles until tender. Drain, rinse.

2. Lay on sheet of greased foil or any surface that noodles will not stick to.

3. Lay slice of ham on each noodle, trimming to fit.

4. Spread with mustard and sprinkle with cheese and seasonings.

5. Roll up each noodle, enclosing the filling.

6. Place in greased shallow baking dish.

7. Pour sauce over top and arrange tomato slices over this.

8. Bake at 375 Degrees F for 30 minutes.

9. Garnish with parsley and serve.

10. I mark the ones with mustard with a toothpick as my DH does not like mustard so we omit it on some of the roll-ups.


