Laurie'S Chinese Chicken Salad With 5-Spice Dressing

Laurie'S Chinese Chicken Salad With 5-Spice Dressing

1. The night before serving or early in the morning, place all salad dressing ingredients into a jar with a lid. Shake until well blended and set aside to meld.

2. Steam chicken breasts for about 20 minuets, or until juices run clear, let cool.

3. Shred cooled chicken into small pieces and mix well with about 2 tablespoons of the dressing. You may use more or less, depending on how much chicken you have. You don't want to saturate it with too much dressing.

4. Refrigerate chicken and dressing over night.

5. You can fry the Mai Fun now or the next day.

6. To fry the Mai Fun noodles:

7. Heat oil to 350°F.

8. Break apart noodles and fry a small amount at a time and drain on paper towels or a paper grocery bag. If you have never fried Mai Fun, they immediately expand to the top of the wok as soon as they hit the oil, so doing this in small batches is important.

9. Before serving, lightly toss all ingredients together without adding the dressing. This is important because the Mai Fun noodles will quickly absorb your dressing.

10. Pour on dressing and toss again.


