Lazy Daisy Cake

Lazy Daisy Cake

1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Beat eggs in mixing bowl until frothy; beat in sugar in 4 or 5 separate additions; stir in vanilla.

3. Next, stir in flour, baking powder and salt.

4. Heat milk and butter together in small saucepan just until hot; add to batter, stirring slowly and carefully.

5. Scrape into a greased 9-inch square cake pan and bake for about 25 minutes, or until cake tests done with a toothpick.

6. Make topping-- combine last 4 ingredients together in a small saucepan; heat and stir until hot and sugar is dissolved.

7. Spread topping over cake fresh from the oven; leave oven on.

8. Return cake to oven and heat until topping is bubbling well, anywhere from 3-5 minutes.

9. Variation: use chopped pecans or walnuts instead of the coconut.


