Leek And Mushroom Soup 1979

Leek And Mushroom Soup 1979

1. In a large pot melt the butter along with the thyme, and the two leeks cooking until soft about fifteen minutes or so.

2. Add in the mixture of chopped mushrooms and continue to cook about another ten minutes until browned.

3. Add the chicken stock and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for ten minutes until all the vegetables are soft.

4. Blend by your method of choice, blender or processor, until smooth.

5. Return to saucepot and stir in the whole milk and heat until steaming, without boiling.

6. When it is steaming add the white wine vinegar, season with salt and pepper.

7. Just before serving whip the cream , not stiff, to the constistency of a thick sour cream and fold in the fine chopped chives.

8. Gently stir the thickened chive cream into the steaming soup.

9. I usually ladle the hot steaming soup into bowls, and place a heaping tablespoon of the thickened cream on top, and let each stir into their own soup.

10. Also you can use vegetable stock instead of chicken stock if desired.


