Lemon Berry Puffs

Lemon Berry Puffs

1. Berry Sauce:

2. Make a slurry with the lemon juice and cornstarch. Bring the berries, sugar, lemon juice and cornstarch slurry in a saucepan to a boil over medium heat, stirring, until thickened. Cool to room temperature, set aside.

3. Pastry Puffs:

4. To make small puffs - Preheat oven to 425°F Roll the pastry thinly; cut into 24 - 3 inch rounds. Transfer rounds to ungreased non stick cookie trays. Bake 10 to 12 minutes or until puffed and golden; cool completely.

5. Larger Puffs:

6. Bake vol-au-vent shells according to directions on box. Cool completely, remove tops to cool too.

7. Lemon Filling:

8. Cook lemon juice, eggs, egg yolk, sugar and salt in a small, heavy saucepan over medium low heat, whisking for 10 minutes or until thickened. Whisk in butter until thick and creamy. Remove from heat. Cover the surface with a piece of wax paper or plastic wrap and cool completely. Fold in cream, or reserve cream to dollop on top under hat.

9. To Assemble:

10. If using small puffs, halve pastry puffs horizontally. Top the bottom half with lemon filling, or fill vol-au-vent, spoon berry sauce over and top with top of puff or if using cream here, dollop on top of berry sauce and top with puff top. Sprinkle with icing sugar.

11. Makes 6 large vol-au-vents or 24 small rounds.


