Lemon Caper Stuffed Eggs

Lemon Caper Stuffed Eggs

1. Cut the rounded ends off the eggs, scoop out the yolks into a bowl, and stand the hard bouled egg whits upright in the egg carton. If you wish to serve the eggs on a platter, trim a small piece of the egg off the pointed ends so they will stand upright.

2. Break the egg yolks up a little bit using a fork. Grate the garlic into the egg yolks, then grate about 2 tbls. of onion juice into the bowl. add the capers, 1 tsp of lemon zest, the juice of the lemon, a few dashes of hot sauce, the mayonnaise, pepper, and half of the parsley. Mash until smooth and check seasonings, adjusting if necessary.

3. Fill the egg whites, overstuffing them a little. Garnish with the remaining parsley. Enjoy!


