Lemon Chicken Soup

Lemon Chicken Soup

1. Boil 4 cups water in a soup pot. Add lemon grass, galangal, and lime leaves and cook 1 minutes. Add fish sauce and chili paste, cook 1 minute, and reduce heat to medium. Add tomatoes and mushrooms, cook 3 minutes, until broth bubbles again.

2. Turn heat to maximum and add chicken strips. Stir to separate, and cook 5 minutes until chicken is done.

3. Add 4 T. lime juice (this is in addition to the lime juice previously added, if you were substituting for the lime leaves). Stir.

4. Crush chiles and cut in half. Add to soup and stir.

5. Remove from heat, transfer to soup tureen and sprinkle with cilantro leaves. Serve immediately.


