Lentil Dumplings In Tamarind Sauce

Lentil Dumplings In Tamarind Sauce

1. FOR DUMPLINGS: Place green split peas, 1 tbsp yellow split peas, 3 cups warm water and chilies in large bowl. Soak at room temperature for at least 2 hours, but no longer than 12 hours; drain.

2. Place pea mixture and gingerroot in food processor. Cover and process until smooth. Transfer to medium bowl. Stir in cilantro (or the first 12-15 karhi leaves), flour, salt and asafetida (or garlic powder).

3. Heat oil in wok or Dutch oven over medium heat. Add pea mixture. Cook 2 to 3 minutes, scraping bottom of skillet every 30 seconds (to prevent sticking) until mixture looks like soft, dry dough. Spread dough on dinner plate; let stand 10 to 15 minutes or until cool.

4. Divide dough into 16 pieces; shape each piece into a ball. Set aside.

5. MAKE SAUCE: Dissolve tamarind paste in 6 cups warm water in large bowl.

6. Heat oil and mustard seed in 3-quart saucepan over medium-high heat. Once seed begins to pop, cover saucepan and wait until popping stops. Add yellow split peas and fenugreek seed; stir-fry 20 to 30 seconds or until peas are golden brown.

7. Stir in the 2 bay leaves (or the second batch of 12-15 karhi leaves), Sambhar Powder and asafetida (or garlic powder); stir-fry 15 to 30 seconds. Stir in tamarind mixture, salt and turmeric; heat to boiling.

8. Add dumplings; reduce heat to low. Simmer uncovered 8 to 10 minutes without stirring (to prevent dumplings from falling apart) or until sauce is thickened. (If using bay leaves, remove and discard.) Sprinkle with cilantro and serve.


