Lentil Pie

Lentil Pie

1. Bring the Potatos to the boil in salted water and add the broccoli after 5 minutes.

2. Cook until very soft (about 15-20 minutes).

3. Drain the water off and add the knob of butter and a grating of nutmeg.

4. Then mash into a puree.

5. Cut the vegetables into cubes and sautee in a litlle olive oil for 5 minutes.

6. Add the Lentils, Tomato Passata and stock and bring to a simmer.

7. Simmer on a very low heat for 35 minutes.

8. Check the seasoning. Adjust salt and season with fresh ground pepper.

9. Give it a stir every now and then and if it becomes to dry add a little more water to keep it going.

10. Put the Lentil mixture into a suitable pie/baking dish and spoon over the potato brokoli mash.

11. Mix the cheese with the Breadcrumbs.

12. Sprinkle over the cheese and breadcrumb mixture and bake in the oven at 170 degrees for 30 - 40 minutes until the top turns golden and crunchy!


