Lentil Soup For People Who Thought They Hated Lentils! - Meat Op

Lentil Soup For People Who Thought They Hated Lentils! - Meat Op

1. Add vegetable stock,red lentils, salt, pepper, onions and garlic to a pot and bring to the boil.

2. Once boiling, reduce to a simmer and cover.

3. This is where I start to chop up vegetables and add as each vegetable is prepared.

4. I usually add in this order carrot, green beans, leek, celery, capsicum, spinach, tomato then mushrooms.

5. Add tomato paste.

6. Keep pot covered and stir every 10- 20 minutes until lentils have broken down, usually 60 to 90 minutes.

7. If the soup dries out add water.

8. Add parsley, oregano and basil, and then simmer for another 10 minutes.

9. I usually then turn off stove, leave it covered until cooled then refrigerate overnight.

10. It is worth this process, however it can obviously be eaten straight away.

11. Before serving, add shaved Parmesan as a garnish and enjoy with a crispy warm bread roll, butter and nice glass of red.

12. Hope you enjoy this as much as we all do!


