Lime Chicken Taco'S

Lime Chicken Taco'S

1. Dice chicken into 1″ chunks or make into strips. Put chicken into medium saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring occasionally until cooked through and no longer pink. Marinate the chicken in 2/3s of the sauce mixture. Add a splash of tequila (if desired). Dump the marinade and added the last 1/3 of fresh marinade to the chicken as it was nearly done cooking through and add cilantro (to taste). Sprinkle with cayene pepper (to taste).

2. Heat tortillas in the oven on 200* by removing them from plastic packaging and placing them in lightly damp tea towel or paper towels and wrapping in foil (or put into a covered dish).

3. Prep other side dishes and toppings.

4. When chicken is finished cooking, add toppings and serve.


