Liquori Casalinghi (Cherry Liqueur)

Liquori Casalinghi (Cherry Liqueur)

1. You will need to crush the cherries along with their pits. I found it was easiest to use a heavy duty extra large zip lock, adding a handful of cherries at a time, and smash each cherry with a hammer. Be sure to crust the pit well. Push the pulp to the bottom of the bag and add the next handful.

2. Leave covered in a dark place for 24 hours.

3. After 24 hours, boil the water and add the sugar. Stir until sugar is dissolved. Remove from heat.

4. Put cherry mixture in a fine muslin bag, or use a fine sieve, and squeeze the juice into a bowl.

5. Add the cherry juice to the sugar syrup mixture and set aside to cool.

6. Add alcohol to the cooled cherry syrup.

7. Pour into a jar with a tight fitting lid and place in a cool dark place for one week.

8. After one week, filter into a cool looking bottle, seal, and age it for at least six months before you pop the top.


