Lisa'S Stuffed Cabbage

Lisa'S Stuffed Cabbage

1. Boil cabbages in a big pot until softened DO NOT cook all the way. Save the liquid the cabbage was boiled inches Remove cabbage and cool it a little before you handle it.

2. Mix together your ground beef and rice. Add a teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, garlic powder and onion powder to the meat mixture.

3. Mix together your ground beef and rice. Add a teaspoon of salt 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, garlic powder and onion powder to the meat mixture.

4. After the cabbage has cooled a little, cut your cabbage in half starting at the stem. Then cut the stem out. Separate your cabbage leaves.

5. Take a cabbage leaf and add about 1/3 cup of meat mixture to each leaf depending on the size of the leaf. Roll it up. Roll up leaves with meat mixture and add each one to a round pot. Using a circular direction around the pot. When all meat and cabbage have been used and your pot is full of cabbage rolls, take your cabbage juice you saved from the first boil and slowly pour it over the cabbage rolls.

6. Next get your can of tomato sauce and pour it over the top pushing down with a spoon blend in the tomato sauce rather than stirring. Cut up your onion and put it on top. Last but not least place you sausage ring around the top of the pot. Allow this to boil for about 1 1/2 hour, until rice and meat are cooked.


