Little Addictive Adorable Toshas'

Little Addictive Adorable Toshas'

1. Put flour in a bowl.

2. Add 75gms.

3. of melted ghee and mix well with your grased (with ghee) palms.

4. Knead well and shape into a long rectangular dough.

5. Cut into equal sized 1 inch pieces.

6. Heat ghee in a wok.

7. Deep fry the toshas' in it on low flame and cook until lightly browned on either side.

8. In the meantime, prepare sugar water syrup of one thread consistency in a skillet on low flame.

9. Add 1/2 tsp.

10. red food colour to it.

11. Mix well.

12. Add toshas' to this syrup and mix well.

13. Remove toshas' onto a clean plate.

14. Allow to cool.

15. The sugar will harden on its own on the toshas'.

16. Eat away!


