Lori'S German Lasagna

Lori'S German Lasagna

1. Combine the flour and salt.

2. Add eggs, water and oil. Mix well to form a dough.

3. Knead until smooth on a floured surface. Wrap in plastic wrap. Let stand 10 minutes.

4. Divide dough into 15 equal pieces.

5. Keeping others covered, roll out 1 with a pasta machine into a 15 x 3 inch strip, using flour if needed to prevent it from sticking/tearing.

6. Hang on a rack. Repeat with all.

7. Heat oven 350.

8. Heat butter in a saucepan.

9. Add flour, onion powder, salt and pepper. Cook 1 minute.

10. Whisk in milk and stock. Simmer until thickened.

11. Stir in ham. Remove from heat.

12. Combine the ricotta, eggs and a pinch of salt.

13. Spray a large baking pan. Place a little of the sauce on the bottom.

14. Using 3 noodles at a time, layer noodles, ricoota mix, sauerkraut and cheese.

15. Repeat 3 times.

16. The last layer should only consist of noodles, sauce and cheese.

17. Poke several toothpicks all over top (this will prevent foil from sticking to surface).

18. Cover with foil. Bake 30 minutes.

19. Uncover. Bake 30 more minutes.

20. Let stand 10minutes before cutting.

21. YUM!


