Love Balls (Aka Astarpungar In Iceland)

Love Balls (Aka Astarpungar In Iceland)

1. Whisk eggs & sugar in a bowl.

2. Mix flour, baking powder, cardamom & salt. Stir this mixture into the egg mixture, alternating w/the milk. (NOTE: You may not need all the milk. The batter should be thick & almost able to hold its shape.).

3. Fold in the raisins. Heat oil to 365°F.

4. Shape balls using 2 tablespoons & fry 5-6 at a time for 3-4 min or till med-brown & puffy, turning several times to cook evenly.

5. Remove w/slotted spoon, drain on absorbent paper & repeat process to use all batter.

6. NOTE #1 Re Yield & Times: I have not made this recipe & admit I have no plans to do so in the immediate future since my child-bearing yrs are ancient history. My prob entering this recipe was that there was not a hint of yield or times. That said, they were entirely guesstimated.

7. NOTE #2: I was a bit surprised there was no mention of plumping the raisins. I would favor doing that, but it's your choice.


