Lower Fat, Higher Fibre Beef Bolognese Sauce

Lower Fat, Higher Fibre Beef Bolognese Sauce

1. Put hot water in pan add steak seasoning, onion salt and mince. Bring to boil and let it cook till mince is cooked through. This removes the fat from the beef.

2. Take cooked mince from pan with a slotted spoon and put to one side. Then remove the fat from the top of the "stock" left.

3. Take dried mushrooms and rinse them throughly to remove any gritty bits. Then place these into the stock. Bring to the boil, then turn the heat down and simmer till mushrooms are soft.

4. Take approximately half to three quaters of the cooked mushroms, a little hot water if needed and whiz them in a blender / magic bullet till you get a fine mushroom paste. Put to one side.

5. Chop onion and crush garlic. Add these to a pan with a tiny amount of olive oil, I use an olive spray and give it a few squirts. Saute the onion and garlic gently until soft.

6. Add the precooked mince, mushroom paste and tinned chopped tomatoes and let it heat through.

7. As the above is warming, whiz the carrots with a little water till you get a carrot paste, then add this to the mix.

8. Add tomato puree, dried basil, dried oregano to taste. Then the natural wheat bran and the mushrooms not blended earlier. Stir, bring to the boil and then let it simmer for 5 minutes

9. Add wine to taste simmer for another minute.

10. Serve with pasta, Enjoy.


