Luxe Truffle Deviled Eggs

Luxe Truffle Deviled Eggs

1. Halve the eggs lengthwise and transfer the yolks to a mixing bowl. Set 20 egg white halves on a platter, cover, and refrigerate. Note: This recipe uses 12 egg yolks, but only yields enough filling for 20 halves; reserve the extra 4 whites for another use.

2. With a fork, mash the yolks to a smooth consistency. Add the mayonnaise, sour cream, truffle oil, and salt (if garnishing with black salt, use moderately because the garnish does add extra salt flavoring) and mix until smooth. (You can also do this using an electric mixer with a whip attachment.) Taste and season accordingly.

3. Spoon the mixture into a pastry bag fitted with a plain or large star tip, then pipe the mixture evenly into the egg white halves. Or fill the eggs with a spoon, dividing the filling evenly.

4. If desired, top each egg half with a tiny sprinkle of black lava salt, a grind of fresh-cracked black pepper and a chive flower.


