Macallan Whiskey Chocolate Pudding

Macallan Whiskey Chocolate Pudding

1. Blend sugar and margarine until light and fluffy.

2. Sieve cocoa powder or chocolate into flour.

3. Whisk eggs together, then add to sugar/margarine mix, adding a little flour mix to thicken. Add whiskey and more flour mix until both flour and whiskey have been used. Add skimmed milk, to soften. Grease 4 individual pudding moulds with margarine and dust with caster sugar.

4. Place a spoonful of the mix into each mould, cover with tin foil and secure tightly. Place in a pot of warm water which reaches halfway up the moulds. Bring to the boil then simmer for 40 minutes.

5. For the sauce : melt chocolate in a bowl over boiling water, add cream, whiskey and syrup.

6. Remove puddings and place on plates. Then pour over the chocolate sauce, adding a few soft berries before serving.


