Make Ahead Garlic Toast Omac

Make Ahead Garlic Toast Omac

1. Slice French bread into slices about 3/4" thick. I usually get about 24 slices per loaf.

2. If needed soften butter in microwave on low power for 30 - 60 seconds until it is soft enough to mix the seasonings into and spread easily.

3. Add remaining ingredients and stir well.

4. Spread a little more than 1 tsp of mixture onto each slice of bread.

5. Flash freeze the slices layed out flat on cookie sheets in your freezer. (This is important if you freeze them in a stack they are very hard to seperate later.).

6. Stack into groups as your family would eat with one meal and wrap in saran wrap. I usually make a package of 6.

7. When ready to use bake right from freezer at 350 degrees for 4 - 8 minutes depending on how crispy you like your toast.

8. *For an extra sinful garlic toast sprinkle with mozzarella cheese before baking.


