Makrout A Louz - Algerian Almond Cakes

Makrout A Louz - Algerian Almond Cakes

1. Place the first 4 ingredients in a large bowl and mix well - traditionally with your hand.

2. Dust work top with a little cornflour, seperate the dough into 1/4's and then roll mixture into a sausage shape - approximately the thickness of a frankfurter or average thumb!

3. Cut the sausage into 3cm pieces. Do this at an angle to create lozange or diamond shapes.

4. Bake on middle shelf at approx 170°C until set but still pale in colour. THEY SHOULD NOT BE golden.

5. When cooled slightly, drop one by one into the syrup. Hold on a fork and allow excess to dribble off before slowly dropping into the sugar.

6. Re-dip with sugar 5 mins later and pop into paper cases.

7. For the syrup you can make it easily by putting 2 cups of water, a halved lime and 1 cup of sugar in a pan and boiling for 10 minutes. It needs to be nice and light - just enough to hold the icing sugar on.


