Malay Curry With Beef Or Lamb

Malay Curry With Beef Or Lamb

1. Add enough water to the spices to make a stiff paste, then let stand for a few minutes.

2. Make a puree of the onion, garlic, hot peppers, bell pepper, and ginger.

3. Heat the oil and fry the spice paste for 5 minutes or so; stir to prevent sticking. Then add the puree and fry for 15 minutes.

4. Combine the cubed meat with the above in a casserole and place in an oven preheated to 375°F Cook for about 1 hour.

5. Meanwhile heat the milk with the coconut cream.

6. Halfway through the cooking of the casserole, add the coconut cream, flaked coconut, and tamarind puree to the dish. Stir, and add water or stock if it needs it.


