Mamma Mia'S Lasagne

Mamma Mia'S Lasagne

1. Brown meat.

2. Add next 5 ingredients. Simmer uncovered 30 minutes.

3. Cook noodles according to package directions.

4. Drain and spread noodles out to cool on wax paper.

5. Combine remaining ingredients, except Mozzarella and oil.

6. Spread olive oil on bottom of 13 x 9 baking pan.

7. Place half noodles in bottom, overlapping slightly.

8. Spread 1/2 Ricotta on noodles, using fingers.

9. Sprinkle scant half of Mozzarella over all.

10. Spread 1/2 meat sauce over all.

11. Repeat layers, saving a little Mozzarella for the top.

12. Bake 30 minutes at 375°F.

13. Let stand 10 minutes, then cut.

14. May assemble early, refrigerate; then allow 15 minutes longer in oven.


