Mango Payasam

Mango Payasam

1. Peel and chop mango in coarse pieces.

2. Lightly boil the pieces in a pot consisting of a little bit of water.

3. Put the slightly boiled mango in a blender. Coarsely blend mango allowing the pieces to remain in chunks. Keep it aside.

4. With the two coconuts, crack in half and shred. Take the shredded coconut and make 1 cup of first extract, 3 cups of second extract, and three cups of third extract.

5. Put both the sugar and water in a pot and boil until it comes to a rather stringy consistency.

6. Add the mango from the blender along with the third extract coconut milk to the pot consisting sugar and water.

7. When the mixture becomes thick, add the second extract and stir again.

8. After a few minutes, add the thick coconut milk or the first extract.

9. In the meantime, lightly fry crushed cardamom, raisins and cashew nuts.

10. Garnish with powdered cardamom and raisins and cashew nuts fried in ghee.


