Maple Syrup Chicken - Poulet A L' Érable

Maple Syrup Chicken  -  Poulet A L' Érable

1. Season each chicken leg and chicken breast in salt and pepper and your preferred herb and or spice.

2. Coat your chicken legs and breasts in flour.

3. In a large skillet or frying pan melt the butter.

4. Cook the chicken on low heat and each side about 10 minutes until they are lightly browned and well cooked.

5. Add the maple syrup and the water and mix well, spooning the maple syrup over the chicken pieces.

6. Reduce your heat and simmer for 20 minutes adding a little more water and or syrup spooning the syrup mixture over the chicken as it cooks.

7. Note: This recipe can be baked in oven at 325°F for 1 hour. I have made it accompanied with cut potatoes and carrots in the syrup mixture and it is heavely, to die for or serve with rice and asparagus tips.


