Mariachi Meatballs

Mariachi Meatballs

1. In large bowl, lightly combine ground beef with corn chips, milk, egg and 1 t salt.

2. Cover and refrigerate 1 hour.

3. Shape into 15 meatballs, using 2 Rounded Tablespoons meat mixture for each.

4. Lightly roll meatballs in 2 T Flour, coating completely.

5. In large frying-pan, cook meatballs in hot butter, half at a time, stirring until evenly browned.

6. Remove meatballs from frying-pan as they are browned.

7. In same frying-pan, cook onion and garlic about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

8. In small bowl, combine remaining 1/2 T flour and 1 t salt, chili powder and cumin.

9. Stir into onions.

10. Add tomatoes, green chilies and olives.

11. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly; reduce heat, cover tightly and cook slowly for 30 minutes.

12. Add meatballs to tomato mizture, cover tightly and cook slowly for 20 minutes.

13. Uncover and continue cooking slowly 10 minutes.

14. Serve meatballs and sauce over hot rice.


