Marinated Chicken - Pollo En Escabeche

Marinated Chicken - Pollo En Escabeche

1. Wipe chicken thoroughly. Heat olive oil and slowly brown chicken in a deep eathernware casserole. Fry chicken only until golden and do not allow it to form a crust. Pour over the fried chicken the following marinade: wine, vinegar, bay leaves, garlic cloves, pepper grains, lemon and orange, scliced, peel and all, and salt to taste.

2. Simmer chicken in marinade for 1 hour or until joints move easily. Keep covered with liquid at all times, adding wine and vinegar in the same proportions (4 to 1) as needed. When cooked, store chicken covered with marinade in an earthenware container in a cool place. Serve cold in sauce, surrounded by fluted slices of fresh orange and lemon.


