Marrakesh Pizza

Marrakesh Pizza

1. place 2/3 cup warm water in a small bowl, stir in teh sugar and then sprinkle with the yeast. Stir once or twice then set aside in a warm place for about 10 minutes till frothy.

2. meanwhile, make the filling. Mix together the onion, tomatoes, chopped parsley, chopped cilantro, paprika, cumin, butter and cheese. Season with salt and set aside.

3. In a large bowl, mix together the flour and 2 t salt.

4. Add the yeast mixture and enough warm water to make a fairly soft dough - about one cup.

5. knead the mixture into a ball and then knead on a floured work surface for 10-12 minutes till the dough is firm and elastic.

6. divide the dough into four pieces and roll each into an 8x12 inch rectangle.

7. spread the filling down the center of each rectangle, then fold into thirds, making a rectangle 8x4 inches.

8. roll out the dough again, till it is the same size as before and again fold into thirds, to make a smaller rectangle. (Don't worry if the filling squeezes out in some places - just push it back in).

9. place the pizzas on a buttered baking sheet, cover with oiled plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for abou 1 hour till slightly risen.

10. heat a griddle and brush with butter. prick the pizzas with a fork five or six times on both sides and then fry for about 8 minutes on each side, till crisp and golden.

11. serve pizzas immediately, with a little melted butter if you like, accompanied by an arugula salad and black olives.


