Mediterranean Chicken En Papillote

Mediterranean Chicken En Papillote

1. Preheat oven to 400°F.

2. Prepare ingredients and line them up on the counter.

3. Take four parchment paper squares and place two squares on each of two baking sheets.

4. Starting with chicken, divide cubes among parchment sheets.

5. Next, divide tomatoes among the squares, followed by chopped sun-dried tomatoes, pepper strips, sliced onion, chopped garlic, olives and crumbled feta.

6. Season each mound with salt and pepper, then dribble a little white wine and olive oil over each mound. Sprinkle in herbs; top each with a lemon slice.

7. To wrap packages: Pick up one corner of the parchment paper and fold over to meet opposing corner, line up the edges taking care to keep all ingredients inside the paper. Starting at one end, fold over the edges and crimp to make a fairly tight seal all the way around. Place package on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining parchment squares.

8. Slide baking sheets into preheated oven and bake 25 minutes.

9. While the packets are baking, make a side-dish such as plain steamed rice or quinoa.

10. When packets are finished, slide each onto a plate, make a tiny tear in the centre of each package so a little steam can escape (be careful of the hot steam) and serve right away.

11. Note: Recipe makes four servings, but ingredient amounts can easily be scaled up or down to make more or fewer servings.


