Melba Cheesecake Pie

Melba Cheesecake Pie

1. Make crust first.

2. Microwave butter in 9-inch glass pie plate 1/2-1 minute on High, or until melted.

3. Mix in crumbs and 2 tbsp sugar; press onto bottom and up sides of pie plate.

4. Microwave on High 1-1/2- 2 minutes or until hot.

5. Next, make filling.

6. Thoroughly drain peaches; arrange on crust.

7. Microwave cream cheese in glass mixing bowl 1 minute on Medium or until soft.

8. Blend in remaining ingredients except jam and Amaretto; pour over peaches.

9. Microwave on High 3-1/2 to 4-1/2 minutes or until edges are set; rotate once if your microwave does not have a turntable; let cool.

10. Stir liqueur into jam; spoon onto pie and spread to cover.

11. Refrigerate until served.

12. You can make this in a conventional oven; mostly follow above directions but do the following instead of the above.

13. For crust, melt butter in saucepan; remove from heat; add crumbs and sugar; press into pan.

14. Assemble as directed using softened cream cheese.

15. Bake at 350F degrees 15-20 minutes.


