Meme'S Tourtiere

Meme'S Tourtiere

1. Brown the meat in a 10 to 12 inch skillet. Drain well.

2. While the meat is draining (I leave it in a colander, in the sink, for 15 minutes) mix the spices together in a small bowl.

3. When the meat is drained, return it to the skillet, sprinkle the spice blend in, add the onions, garlic, and broth.

4. Stir together. Liquid should cover the mixture. If it doesn't, add more broth, or a little water.

5. Bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat, cover and simmer 1 hour.

6. Turn off heat. Add potato flakes, a little at a time, mixing in well. If you still see liquid, add more flakes, stir in, until all the liquid is absorbed.

7. Allow the mixture to cool.

8. Preheat oven to 375.

9. When the mixture is cool, bring the pie crusts to room temperature, instructions on box.

10. Use a ten inch deep dish pie plate, put the bottom crust in, add the meat mixture (pack lightly) add the top crust, fold seal and flute edges.

11. Make several slashes in the crust to vent it.

12. Put the pie on a cookie sheet or pizza pan, and put in the oven.

13. Bake 50 minutes.

14. Place pie plate on a cooling rack or open air trivet, allow to cool 15 minutes.

15. Serve with gravy and a vegetable on the side.


