Memorable Saffron And Spinach Casserole

Memorable Saffron And Spinach Casserole

1. Chop onion and garlic finely and blanch all the vegetables.

2. Cut beans and zucchini into diamonds.

3. Puree spinach and cut carrots into strips.

4. Keep aside.

5. Heat a tbsp.

6. of butter and lightly saute the refined flour.

7. Gradually add milk and stir continuously so that no lumps remain.

8. Crush the peppercorns coarsely.

9. Add some nutmeg and half of the cheese, salt and crushed pepper to taste.

10. Keep this'mornay sauce' aside till needed.

11. Heat a tbsp.

12. of butter in a pan.

13. Add garlic and saute till golden brown.

14. Add onion and saute again till golden brown.

15. Add beans, broccoli, zucchini and salt to taste.

16. Saute well.

17. Add some'mornay sauce' and milk and mix well.

18. Add spinach puree, freshly crushed pepper and some more of the nutmeg and mix well.

19. Pour this green vegetable mixture in an oven-proof dish.

20. In another pan, heat 1 tbsp.

21. of butter and saute carrots.

22. Add boiled pasta, some'mornay sauce' and milk.

23. Mix well.

24. Add salt to taste and saffron.

25. Cook for sometime and add some more freshly crushed pepper.

26. Spread a part of the leftover grated cheese on the green vegetable mixture.

27. Pour the carrot-pasta mixture over it.

28. Again spread a layer of the leftover cheese.

29. Bake for 5-10 minutes in a pre-heated oven till the cheese melts and turns golden.

30. Serve hot!


