Mennonite Veal With Dumplings

Mennonite Veal With Dumplings

1. In a large heavy saucepan over medium-high heat, melt butter.

2. Add veal and onion (and carrot if using) to pan and let veal brown just a little bit; add mushrooms and continue to cook for 2 or 3 minutes more.

3. Season with salt and pepper and stir.

4. Cover veal entirely with boiling water and turn heat down to a simmer; let simmer for 30-45 minutes, or until veal is tender.

5. Make egg dumplings: In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients together, then add melted shortening or margarine, beaten egg and just enough milk to make a moist, stiff batter.

6. Drop/plop dumplings onto simmering mixture with large spoonfuls and cover tightly with lid.

7. Turn heat up to medium-high and let simmer for 15 minutes, DO NOT PEEK.

8. After 15 minutes, remove lid and take pot off heat, cover with parsley, and serve at table straight from pot.

9. Variation: Remove dumplings to serving bowl, using a slotted spoon remove veal and veggies to a serving bowl, then thicken broth as you would gravy and serve on the side; I usually don't bother though: if you want it a little thicker, shake veal pieces in flour before you brown them.

10. Variation#2: Add a big handful of frozen peas just before you add dumplings to the pot.


