Mexican Filled Shrimp

Mexican Filled Shrimp

1. Place the open shrimp over a flat surface and season with salt and pepper to taste.

2. Fill each shrimp on the open back part with 1 tablespoons manchego cheese.

3. Close the shrimp and secure them by rolling around them a slice of bacon. Secure with toothpicks and take them to the fridge 2-3 hours.

4. Note: you can cut thin strips of the cheese instead of grating it and that way you can skip the refrigeration time.

5. For the sauce: in the food processor (or in a blender) put the sour cream with the mayo, the chipotle chiles, the minced garlic and salt & pepper of your taste). Put it in the fridge until used to serve.

6. In a large skillet, heat the butter and olive oil. Place 4-5 shrimp at the time and fry them until the bacon is thoroughly cooked (10 minutos approximately for each shrimp).

7. Take the shrimp out and place them over a papel towel to absorb excess oil.

8. Serve with the chipotle sauce prepared and decorate with some parsley leaves.


