Mexican Potato Salad

Mexican Potato Salad

1. Saute garlic and bread cubes in 1 tblsp.

2. salad oil until bread is golden.

3. Remove garlic and discard.

4. Set bread cubes aside.

5. Put cut up vegetables in blender container and cover with water.

6. Cover container and run on high just until vegetables are coarsely chopped.

7. Drain vegetables in colander or sieve; empty into a bowl.

8. Put 1/4 cup salad oil, vinegar, and seasonings in blender container; cover and run on low just until blended.

9. Pour over chopped vegetables; mix well.

10. Add potatoes and toss lightly.

11. Let stand 1 hour to marinate.

12. At serving time, add lettuce and bread cubes; toss lightly.


