Middle-Eastern Fusion Chicken Tacos With Green Onion Relish

Middle-Eastern Fusion Chicken Tacos With Green Onion Relish

1. taco shells: prepare as per directions on packaging

2. marinade: combine green onion, regular onion, chilis (to taste), salt, pepper, and olive oil.

3. cut chicken into 1'' wide chicken strips.

4. combine chicken and marinade thoroughly; refrigerate for 4-6 hours.

5. heat skillet to high. lightly grease with splash olive oil. separate the chicken pieces from the marinade, and fry in the skillet - leave face down to get really good color before turning; cook until white throughout - set aside cooked chicken.

6. in the same hot skillet, add in your marinade (liquid and all) - allow liquid to fully cook out; onions will become dark/blackened. *cook well as this was in contact with raw chicken* - set aside; this is your relish.

7. in a separate bowl combine parsley (finely chopped), finely chopped tomato, finely chopped onion (to taste), and a pinch of salt, pepper, and 1 tsp olive oil - mix thoroughly and set aside your "herb salad".

8. assemble tacos in the following order: chicken, green onion relish, herb salad. no further seasoning or sauces necessary.


