Mile-High Quesadillas

Mile-High Quesadillas

1. Preheat oven 350°F

2. Preheat a large skillet over high heat with 3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

3. Add the mushrooms and sauté until golden. Add onion, garlic, jalapeno, salt and black pepper, and saute until softened and slightly caramelized.

4. While the veggies are cooking, make the dipping sauce:.

5. In a food processor, puree avocado, 1 cup cilantro, lime juice, sour cream and hot sauce. Salt to taste. Pour into a serving bowl and set aside.

6. Over an open flame of a gas burner or a hot grill, lightly char each side of all 14 tortillas and reserve on a plate. I don't have a gas burner so place in my grill pan.

7. In a small bowl, add the beans and mix in remaining 1/2 cup chopped cilantro, salt and ground black pepper, and reserve.

8. Once the veggies are done, add them to the food processor bowl the dipping sauce was pureed inches Add the cheese and process to a slightly chunky paste.

9. On a clean work surface, lay 6 tortillas out and spread the cheese mixture on 3 of them. On the other 3, spread refried beans. Stack them up, alternating one cheese tortilla, then one bean tortilla, topping with a plain tortilla, so you have a 7-layer stack. Repeat with the remaining tortillas, alternating the filling the same way as before and topping with a plain tortilla.

10. Preheat a skillet over medium low heat with a tablespoon of olive oil and place one stack into the skillet. Cook until brown on each side, about 3 minutes. When the first 7-layer stack is done, pop it into the oven to stay warm while you brown the other.

11. To serve, gently cut each Mile-High Quesadilla into wedges using a serrated knife, and serve with the avocado dipping sauce alongside. Enjoy!


