Miso Salmon Spaghetti

Miso Salmon Spaghetti

1. Cut the scallion, salmon and cabbage into bite sized pieces.

2. Heat the oil in the pan.

3. Put it on medium heat and stir-fry the cabbage for 1-2 minutes.

4. Add in the salmon, and cook briefly.

5. Add some wine and cook to let the alcohol evaporate.

6. Season with salt and pepper.

7. Add 200mL of the water that was used to cook the pasta.

8. Add the miso and let it melt and bring it to a boil.

9. TUrn heat down to low after it boils.

10. Dissolve the starch in 30mL of water and add to the sauce to thicken.

11. Turn off heat.

12. Pour the sauce on the pasta.


