Mocca Butter Cream Filling

Mocca Butter Cream Filling

1. Blend the pudding powder and sugar with 6 tbsp of the milk.

2. Bring the rest of the milk to a boil.

3. remove from heat and slowly stir in the blended pudding powder.

4. Stir the pudding occasionally while it is cooling down.

5. Cream the butter and beat in the cooled pudding one tbsp at a time (the butter and pudding shouldn't be too cool otherwise the cream may curdle).

6. Cut the cake through twice horizontally.

7. Spread the bottom layer with either a thin layer of jame and then 1/4 of the butter cream filling.

8. Lay the 2nd layer over the filling, spread with a little less than half of the remaining cream and lay the top layer over it.

9. Coat the sides and top surface thinly and evenly with a little of the remaining cream and sprinkle the sided with almonds .

10. Pipe the rest of the cream decoratively over the top.


