Moist Christmas Cake (No Added Sugar Or Fat)

Moist Christmas Cake (No Added Sugar Or Fat)

1. Line base and sides of 20cm squared cake tin with paper.

2. Place mixed fruit, apricots, undrained pineapple, orange juice and spice in a saucepan.

3. Bring slowly to boil, simmer uncovered 2-3 minutes, remove from heat.

4. Cover and allow to cool.

5. Stir egg yolks (optional) and soda into fruit mixture.

6. Whip egg whites stiffly in large bowl.

7. Fold in fruit mixture, then fold in flour, making a firm mixture.

8. Spread into cake tin, bake in moderate oven (160c) for 1 1/2 hours.

9. Cover the hot cake with foil and allow to cool in the pan.

10. On special occasions, you may decorate the top with glace cherries and a few almonds.

11. Take care- all nuts have a high fat content.

12. The pineapple can be replaced by 3/4 cup water and 1 cup mashed pumpkin.

13. or 3/4 cup water and 1 cup pureed pie apricots Add the pumpkin or apricots after the fruit mixture has cooled.

14. The water is added to the dried fruit so it can be boiled.


