Moka Cakes 1968 ( Canadian )

Moka  Cakes 1968  ( Canadian )

1. Cake:

2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Grease a 9 x 13-inch cake pan.

4. Yield will be 50 small bar size squares.

5. Beat the three eggs for 5 minutes until thick.

6. Add the one cup of white sugar gradually.

7. Beat well, and until thick.

8. Add the water and maple flavouring.

9. Add the dry ingredients in well.

10. Pour this sponge cake batter into prepared pan.

11. Bake for about 35 minutes until tester comes away clean.

12. This is a sponge cake, so it only rises so high, and sometimes cooks faster then stated.

13. When done remove and cool.

14. Cut into about 50 small bars.

15. Cream:

16. In a cup mix the cornstarch and milk until dissolved.

17. In a small pot over medium heat place the evaporated milk and sugar.

18. Bring the milk/sugar to a low boil; add the cornstarch/milk dissolved thickener.

19. Stir and cook until thick.

20. Remove and chill completely so that it is cold.

21. Cream the butter and vanilla (or flavour of choice) until smooth and doubled.

22. Beat in the cold cornstarch mixture.

23. Continue to beat until thick and creamy and you start eating it straight from the bowl.

24. Now, the highlights of this recipe are:

25. Take each bar one at a time and coat all four sides with the frosting.

26. Yes this is a little messy.

27. Don't lick your fingers.

28. After each is coated, roll onto a coconut lined sheet, and cover all four sides with coconut.

29. I use small flaked coconut and toast it just slightly; dessicated coconut is too fine; shredded coconut is too big.

30. It's nice to have some one helping you do the coating in toasted coconut, as your fingers will be messy with the cream.

31. If you are doing this yourself, create a system to make it the easiest without being too messy.

32. You do not have to worry about finger prints in the cream as it will be covered with coconut.

33. Coating can also be peanuts or pecans finely chopped, but I prefer the coconut.

34. Also you can make these small or big to the size you like.

35. Freezes well, and tastes great bite size right from the freezer.

36. Simple and not a sweet bar, but nice and are always the first to go.


