Morel Mushroom Laab

Morel Mushroom Laab

1. Grind dried lobster mushroom in a spice grinder or mortar and pestle until powdered. Pour the boiling water over the powdered lobster mushroom to reconstitute.

2. Bring a wok or large frying pan to a med-high heat. Add a little frying oil. Chop morels and trumpet mushrooms into 1/4" or so pieces. Salt and saute the mushrooms for 4-5 minutes until the mushrooms are starting to brown and are soft.

3. Add about 1 1/2 tablespoons of sliced ramps or shallots; add the reconstituted lobster mushroom; add the juice of 1 lime; add finely chopped thai chili; and grate about 1-teaspoon of palm sugar into the wok. Continue stirring over a medium heat until the mushrooms incorporate the flavors (2-3 minutes).

4. Don't cook for so long that the juices cook off; add a tablespoon of water if they do. The balance between the sweetness of the palm sugar, sour of lime, and spice is a personal preference. At this point taste the dish and add salt, lime juice, chili, or sugar to your preference.

5. Add chopped cilantro and or mint leaves as desired and serve with sticky rice and lettuce pieces.


