Moroccan Bread Salad

Moroccan Bread Salad

1. Preheat the oven to 220C or 425°F.

2. Put the peppers into char.

3. Meanwhile, break up the bread into bite-sized pieces and place on a roasting tray.

4. Put in the oven for 10 minutes until lightly toasted.

5. Peel and tear the charred peppers into strips and make the dressing.

6. In a bowl, mix the garlic with the cumin, vinegar, tomato juice, salt and black pepper.

7. Add the olive oil and whisk well.

8. Season to taste.

9. When the bread is ready, transfer to a large salad bowl and pour over half the dressing.

10. Toss and let sit for a few seconds, before adding the peppers, tomatoes, herbs and olives.

11. Pour on the remaining dressing, toss again and check the seasoning.

12. Serve with a bit of extra olive oil drizzled on top, if you like.


