Moroccan Spiced Veal

Moroccan Spiced Veal

1. Chop onions and sweet potato.

2. Microwave sweet potato for 3 minutes.

3. Prepare spices in a bowl, mix.

4. Heat oil in a very large pan

5. stir fry onions, mushrooms and sweet potatoes and chickpeas in oil and spices on medium heat.

6. After 5 min, add the tomatoes, the lemon juice and chicken broth.

7. raise the heat, and place the fillets on top of everything in pan.

8. Allow liquid in pan to boil.

9. Place fillets under liquid, immerse them completely.

10. Place a cover on the pan.

11. Cook, check, and turn over fillets.

12. Cook until fillets are a soft gray color. (test to make sure the inside is also cooked).

13. Remove fillets and cut into smaller cubed pieces

14. Replace veal into pan and allow to simmer for 5 minutes.


