Moule Frites (Mussels With Chips)

Moule Frites (Mussels With Chips)

1. For Mussels - Check the mussels to make sure there are no bad ones (ones which smell 'fishy' or that remain open when tapped). Also remove any beards from the mussels at this point.

2. Finely chop the shallot & garlic, thinly slice the spring onions and deseed the red chilli(es) and finely chop.

3. Pick the thyme sprigs and parsley leaves, discarding the thick stalks.

4. Heat some oil in a large sauté pan and cook for 2 minutes the vegetables, chilli and thyme until they start to wilt.

5. While the pan is still very hot, add the mussels and give them a good shake. Cover and cook for another 1-2 minutes shaking each minute.

6. Now add in the wine and Pernod (if used). Shake and cook for another 1½ mins so the wine reduces by half, then cover again and cook for another minute.

7. Pour the entire pan (mussels & veg) through a colander catching all the juice in a pan.

8. Pour the strained liquid back in the pan, reheat and stir in the crème fraîche and whole parsley leaves for 1 or 2 minutes.

9. Return the mussels and vegetables to the pan and reheat, shaking the pan, then divide between two large soup bowls. Serve with the chips (see below).

10. For Chip - Wash and peel the potatoes and slice into thin square chunky chips. Scatter these chips onto a baking tray, and sprinkle over the rosemary and the herb de provence.

11. Drizzle some oil over the chips, give them a shake to cover and place into a hot over around 200 degrees. I usually cook for around 30 - 40 minutes but this will depend on your oven and how thickly you cut the chips. You may want to give them a quick shake half way through to make sure they don't stick, or grease the baking tray before hand.

12. Serve the two together with some nice french baguette! Hope you enjoy the recipe!


