Mrs Mm'S .Potato And Bean Bhaji

Mrs Mm'S .Potato And Bean Bhaji

1. Use a non stick pan with a well fitting lid, heat the oil over medium heat. When hot add the mustard seeds, when they start to pop add the cumin seeds, onions, red chillies, and fenugreek seeds. Fry for 4 minutes.

2. Add the coriander leaves and the turmeric, stir and fry for 1 minute.

3. Add the beans, potatoes and salt, stir to mix all the ingredients together.

4. Cover the pan and reduce the heat to minimum and cook for 20 mins, stir from time to time to prevent sticking and burning.

5. Stir in the ground cumin and cook for 1 minute.

6. Serve with boiled rice and a dish of Tarka Dhal to accompany any good meat curry.


