

1. Olive Mixture:

2. Mix with celery then totally cover with olive oil, cover and put in fridge while you prepare bread or even the day before to save time.

3. Gut bread, drizzle and spread olive oil on both sides, then lightly sprinkle each side with either a balsamic or red wine vinegar. Spread a thin layer of minced garlic on the bread.end to end( everything you do to one side is done for both sides).

4. Now spread a generous layer about 2 tablespoons of the celery mixture on each side.

5. Now we put the sandwich together -- LOL.

6. I am going to list the meats I buy and the amounts. I buy from the deli and have it sliced sandwich thin.

7. Makeing The Sandwich:

8. Now begin your layers remember duplicate each side.

9. I usually layer 3 different meats then a layer of cheese -- I alternate the 2 cheeses and just sprinkle parmesan at will.

10. Then add a thin layer of the celery mix and start all over, making sure to use all the different meats before repeating them, fill both sides completely full making sure they are totally full then add cheese on one layer before putting the 2 sides together. *Make sure you have a piece of heavy duty aluminum foil laid out under the bread, that is big enough to completely wrap the entire sandwich. I slide the 2 sides right next to each other, then carefully flip one on top of the other, then tightly wrap and seal the entire sandwich and place in frig at least 2 hours -- Overnight is even better but 2 hours will do. Then leaving it wrapped put it in a 350 oven and bake for 45 minutes to an hour, has to heat all the way through and let the cheese melt. Carefully unwrap and make sure it is hot all the way through( if needed rewrap and cook a bit longer) Once it is done let it sit 15-20 minutes, then you can cut into sandwich slices( electric knife works best, or a good serrated edged bread knife) I like my portions cut into 2 inch slices , remember it is a rich sandwich and larger portions tend to fall apart on you. Best served hot, to at least warm and it keeps in frig real well and reheats fairly well in microwave.

11. Hope this is easy enough to understand. In New Orleans they just use Italian ham and don't gut and stuff the bread like I do, but I LOVE mine best -- lol.


