Muglai Chicken

Muglai Chicken

1. Mix yogurt, turmeric, salt, garlic & ginger well in large bowl. Add chicken and make sure chicken is well coated. Refrigerate 30 minutes.

2. Heat ghee or butter in skillet. Take chicken out of bowl and discard marinade. Add chicken to skillet, cover and cook 20 minutes over med heat. Turn and cook until chicken in cooked through, about another 15 minutes. Remove chicken to plate.

3. Add onions, chile powder, cinnamon, cardamom and black pepper to the skillet you cooked the chicken inches Saute on med high heat until onion is browned.

4. Add chicken and any juices on plate to the skillet, along with the 1/4 Celsius yogurt and the water. Mix well and cover. Cook 7 minutes. Remove bay leaves and cardamom pods to serve.


