Mulled Wine Sorbet

Mulled Wine Sorbet

1. Cut one orange in half and stud both halves with cloves.

2. Place in a saucepan with the cinnamon sticks, wine, mixed spice and sugar.

3. Stir over a low heat until sugar dissolves, then cover and cook over a very low heat for ten minutes.

4. Cool, then strain.

5. Juice the remaining orange and stir juice and port or brandy into the mulled wine.

6. Refrigerate for several hours to chill completely.

7. Pour the mixture into a shallow container and freeze until frozen at the edges.

8. Remove from freezer and beat with an electric beater. Pour back into the container and re-freeze.

9. Repeat two or three times.

10. (Alternatively, use an ice-cream maker and follow manufacturer's directions).


