Mushroom And Walnut Toasties

Mushroom And Walnut Toasties

1. butter six ramekins and line the bases with parchment.

2. Blitz together the bread, nuts, garlic and parsley until it looks like fine crumbs.

3. wipe and chop the mushrooms. Heat the butter and oil in a pan and fry the mushrooms until slightly soft.Season, remove from head and stir in the bradcrumb mix.

4. Spoon the mushroom mix into the ramekins, for appearence you may want to put a neat mushroom slice in the bottom of the ramekin before the mushrooms and press down lightly. Leave to cool.

5. Pre heat oven to 200°C.

6. Divide cheese into 6 and put one in each ramekin.

7. Cut circles from the pastry and place on top of the cheese curving any excess pastry up the sides. Cut a small vent in the centre of each.

8. The tarlets can now be left for upto 24 hours in the fridge if needed.

9. Bake the tartlets for 15 - 18 minutes While they are cooking divide the lettuce between six plates, scatter with walnuts, drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice.

10. Turn out the tartlets and remove baking paper from bottom.


